Lucia de B. tells the story of a 40yearold, headstrong nurse. After a series of inexplicable deaths at the hospital where
she works, Lucia is brought in for questioning and eventually arrested when the authorities suspect foul play. The sole
thing that these patients have in common is that they died during Lucia’s shifts.
Young and ambitious District Attorney Judith (32) learns about the case, which seems to be open and shut. Moreover, the
case is very high profile, because the patients Lucia is alleged to have killed are helpless babies and terminally ill
elderlies. When the case attracts the media’s attention, Lucia is quickly called “Angel of Death”. After a short trial, the
nurse is sentenced to life in prison.
Not long after the trial though, while still basking in her victory, new evidence comes to light that Judith simply cannot
ignore. This evidence is so strong that if presented at the trial, Lucia couldn’t possibly have been convicted. She tries to
build a new case in order to overturn Lucia’s conviction, but unexpected forces intervene in her quest for justice.
This story is based on true facts!!